Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us_By Fr. Marcos Girgis

Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?” Luke 24: 32

Although many of us are church goers, many of us participate in the Holy Communion, and many others serve church in different activities in the church, many of us lack the feeling of God’s presence in our life in spite of His permanent presence with us and taking care of us. That what happened with Mary Magdalene and the two disciples of Emmaus on the day of His resurrection.

That is why many of us struggle with the troubles of this world which they face alone forgetting that the resurrected LORD Is with them, but they do not see Him because of their relation with God did not reach the level of His resurrection, because we are distracted by this physical life which takes us away from Him.

Through the holy resurrection, our Lord corrected our understanding of Him as He did with:

Mary Magdalene. He corrected her physical understanding towards Him in telling her, “Do not cling to me for I have not yet ascended to my Father (in your sight)… “ Jn. 20: 17

To the two disciples of Emmaus, He corrected their care for the worldly news and events to take care of the heavenly ones, “O foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken, ought not The Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His Glory.” Luke 24: 25-­‐26.

The rest of the disciples who were suffering from the fear of the human authority, He gave them the peace and power. “Peace to you as the Father has sent Me, I also send you … receive the Holy Spirit.” Jn 20: 23.

In many cases the worldly surrounding, troubles personal needs, our egos, and stubborn… etc, prevent us from recognizing Him. In all cases, He comes to us and reveals Himself to us through one way or the other, helping and supporting us…. In such case we should beat our chest saying with the two disciples of Emmaus, “Did Not our heart burn within us?” Lk. 24:32

Father: Marcos Girgis